Sales techniques

Sales Techniques

Welcome to a site devoted to the fine art of selling! Want to learn how to sell more? Grab a cup of coffee and start reading!

First time visitor? Kick things off by reading my overall sales strategy!

Seven important mantras to live by in selling:
1. People buy people first. Then and only then, they buy the product or service.
2. If they don't trust you, they won't buy a thing.
3. It's not what you do once in a while, but what you do everyday that produce results.
4. It's not how many hours you spend at work that determines your success, it's how many hours you spend face-to-face with possible prospects.
5. People love to buy, but hate to be sold.
6. Make the other person feel important.
7. After the sale: Deliver more than the customer expects.

Tip: Print this list and put it in your car!

Not interested!

Simple solution to the “Not interested!” objection. [

NLP in sales

Learn how NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) can help you take away the pressure from selling, and at the same time dramatically increase your sales. [Read more →]

Stuff they don’t teach you in sales courses

Closing and handling objections are covered in extreme detail at most sales courses I’ve ever attended. The problem is: Contrary to popular belief, those areas are NOT very important when it comes to selling. [Read more →]

Working on commision

A lot of salespeople find it very stressfull working on commision. [Read more →]

40 effective sales tips!

Comprehensive list of 40 super effective sales tips. Thanks to the readers! [Read more →]