Sales techniques

The door knob technique

The door knob technique is a powerful tool in your sales arsenal. It may actually turn a lost deal into a signed contract.

You are probably aware of the fact that prospects often lie when they give you the reason why they aren’t buying you product. Not only does “the door knob method” give you more sales, but it also reveal the real reason why you are turned down.

Here is how you do it:

Every time you are about to leave from a sales presentation without a contract, pause for a while when are about to push open the door knob (hence the name of the technique). Turn around and look at the prospect. “Before I leave, maybe you could help me out? You see I’m completely green at selling, and need some advice. What was the real reason why you didn’t buy from me?”.

People love to help others, and by saying that you are a complete rookie (even though you might have been working as a salesperson for several years) most prospects will try to give you some advice. Usually they now give you another reason why they didn’t buy. “Well we can’t afford it just now” is a usual one. Now you have a second chance to close the deal. “Oh, I forgot to tell you. You don’t have to pay anything now! What if we divide it into 6 payment, starting next month?”. If youre lucky they actually say yes!

Try this technique for a few weeks. You have nothing to loose since this is sales you already have lost.

Until next time, happy selling!


1 Johnsi

Ive used this technique a lot. It certainly works.

2 Timothy

I use a variation of this method. We are “new” to a market several miles away from our home base. When I tell people that we are new, they often make a comment encouraging our effort or wish me good luck.
I respond by asking them for a friend or family referral who might be able to help our effort. They almost always give me a great lead!
That way I get something of value even though I did not close their sale.

3 Bead

This works like a charm!

4 Sledge

Will definatly try this out.

5 Rob

This is also called the “Columbo close” and has been around forever. Your customer will know you are using a “sales technique” but it might be worth a shot. But, never tell them something that is not true. If you are not green to sales, don’t tell them you are green to sales! Don’t lie to a customer, it will come back to bite you sooner or later.

6 Brian Timms

I call it the ‘Colombo’ technique and if you have watched the series starring Peter Falk you’ll know why… also it gives the prospect a second chance to express himself at a point when he is much more comfortable because he thinks you’re leaving!

7 Glen Shelton

I just want to say that we thought this article was so helpful we linked to it from our blog and featured it for our 50 page guide to door knocking,
Keep up the great work by giving others helpful advice like the above door knob Columbo technique!

8 Kobby

Will try it..
Thanks for such an article.

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