Sales techniques

Sales Techniques

Welcome to a site devoted to the fine art of selling! Want to learn how to sell more? Grab a cup of coffee and start reading!

First time visitor? Kick things off by reading my overall sales strategy!

Seven important mantras to live by in selling:
1. People buy people first. Then and only then, they buy the product or service.
2. If they don't trust you, they won't buy a thing.
3. It's not what you do once in a while, but what you do everyday that produce results.
4. It's not how many hours you spend at work that determines your success, it's how many hours you spend face-to-face with possible prospects.
5. People love to buy, but hate to be sold.
6. Make the other person feel important.
7. After the sale: Deliver more than the customer expects.

Tip: Print this list and put it in your car!

Having the right mental attitude in sales

Sales are in many aspects very similar to sports, especially when it comes to mental issues. [Read more →]

Establishing rapport in sales

I’ve said it before, and I say it again. Very few prospects will buy anything from you if they don’t like you. [Read more →]

Sales motivation techniques

We all have our good and bad days, but to perform at the very best level every single day your motivation and spirit must be sky high! [Read more →]

The door knob technique

The door knob technique is a powerful tool in your sales arsenal. It may actually turn a lost deal into a signed contract. [Read more →]

Door-to-door sales – tips and techniques

Selling door-to-door is quite different from other sales jobs. Here are some crucial lessons I’ve learned over the years. [Read more →]