Sales techniques


The power of listening

Magic might happen when you starts listening…

The power of listening [

Make sure you’re talking to the decision maker

You have just made *the* perfect sales pitch. The prospect simply loves both you and the product. You are just about to close the deal – or so you think -when the other person says:

Decision maker

5 things salespeople could learn from Muhammad Ali

Muhammed Ali is probably the greatest boxer the world has even seen. Nevertheless, what impresses me even more than his boxing skills is this mans remarkable mindset. This is what really made him the champion he later became. Just look at these 5 Ali quotes, and learn how you can utilize them in your sales work to become the ultimate sales champion!

What salespeople could learn from Muhammad Ali [

Tale of the quiet salesman

Several years ago my current sales manager told me this story.

Quiet salesman [

Similar hobbies: the secret ingredient to closing the deal

When I first started selling, I knew nothing about closing or how to make a good sales presentation. Still I made more sales then, than I did two years later after going through several hours of sales training. How could that be?

Secrets of closing the deal