How To Make Your Customers Feel Important
Do you find prospecting tedious? Here is news for you: Take excellent care of the customers you already have, and the selling will take care of itself.
The Sales Process Simplified Into 7 Steps
As salespeople, we have a tendency to complicate things too much. By following these 7 easy steps, you get down to the roots of what selling is all about!
9 Positive Affirmations For Salespeople
You can blame the market, the competition or the customers for not producing enough sales. Unfortunately it won’t help a bit. The real enemy lies within you. I’m talking about that little voice inside your head that says: “nothing goes my way”, “the weather is too bad”, “it’s impossible to sell on Fridays” or “if I just had another district…” over and over and over again.
The handshake close
Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to turn just a few percent of those who “have to think about it” into buyers?
5 mind hacks for salespeople
Feeling beat down between sales visits? Go through these 5 steps to change your mood in a matter of seconds!