Getting rid of the rotten apples!
I remember several years ago when I first startet my salescareer. I though I could sell something to absolutely everybody! No matter how uninterested, unpolite or broke that prospect was, I did my very best every single time. Sure, I got a few sales out of those situations, but the time and energy I spent could never justify those signatures.
Handling objections
Before I start talking about objections, I want you to take a minute or two and ask yourself the following question: “What is sales all about?”. In my opinion the right answer simply is “agreement”. [Read more →]
A sales strategy that actually works!
In this post I will not run through the ordinary dry subjects like opening lines, sales arguments, handling objections and closing techniques. But instead tell you the secret behind every great salesman! Big words? Maybe, but if you follow these 2 principles over time I can almost guarantee that you will close more sales than you do now. [Read more →]